Thursday, November 27, 2008

What do you think on my essay?

Earthquakes have always interested me, with how they manage to destroy so much in such a small fracture of a minute. I chose this topic because I wanted to find out more about how they work and how they can cause so much damage. Earthquakes themselves have their own personality. They can be violent or so gentle that no one notices them. They are like a balloon, too much pressure and BANG the energy is forced to crumpet the balloons surface and the energy is released. I was once told that “earthquakes are one of the most destructive natural causes know to mankind. An earthquake is a trembling or shaking of the ground caused by the sudden release of energy stored in the rocks beneath the Earth’s surface.” But now I want to know what the real cause is and how they really work in detail. So I start off with the real definition of an Earthquake.
An earthquake is caused by sudden movement of the tectonic plates which cause the ground to shake. This is caused by the pressure built up by the movement of tectonic plates. This causes the Earth’s crust to move or shift without warning. This pressure comes in to affect because the plates are either rubbing against each other, which is called transform plates, colliding together or over lapping each other, which is called convergent plates. The worst type of earthquake is when two plates collide and start pressing against each other and get stuck causing pressure to build up. Earthquakes mostly occur near the Caroline plates and the Philippine plates unlike around the North American plates and the Eurasian plates. 1At the Earth's surface, earthquakes manifest themselves by shaking and sometimes displacing the ground. When a large earthquake epicentre is located offshore, the seabed sometimes suffers sufficient displacement to cause a tsunami. The shaking in earthquakes can also trigger landslides and occasionally volcanic activity.
The damage an earthquake can cause all depends on how much pressure was let off. They can cause massive amounts of damage. They can cause lots of deaths by causing buildings to collapse, crevices to form which swallows up buildings, cars, highways and people. It also causes lots of environmental damage too. Wildlife and their habitat become endangered. People lose loved ones and their homes. The lose memories and gain nightmares for life.
Faults are the main scare to the Earth’s surface after an earthquakes because they are the fracture line in the bedrock where sliding has taken place. Faults are the areas where the crust is being stretched. Faults may range in lengths form a few meters too many kilometres. An active fault is where movement has taken place over the past 11000 ans. Most faults are no longer active anymore. 2 In East Africa, spreading processes have torn Saudi Arabia away from the rest of the African continent, forming the Red Sea. The actively spreading African Plate and the Arabian plate meet in a triple junction, where the Red Sea meets the Gulf of Aden.
Not only does the Earth shake for less than a minute and stop but aftershocks are dangerous too. Aftershocks are less instance earthquakes after the main earthquake which can last up to an hour.
2The largest recorded earthquake in the world was in Chile on May 22, 1960 with the magnitude of 9.5. The largest earthquake recorded was in the United States was in Prince William Sound, Alaska on Good Friday, March 28, 1964 with a magnitude of 9.2.
How you may ask, do they record these earthquakes? They use a machine called the seismograph. This makes recordings called seismograms. It measures the size of seismic waves. Is has a base that is set in the ground firmly and has a heavy weight that hangs freely. When an earthquake occurs it shakes the ground and the base of the seismograph. But the hanging weight does not move because of the seismometer. The seismometer measures the seismic waves. Instead the spring or string that it is hanging from absorbs all the movement. The difference in the position between the shaking part of the seismograph and the motionless part is what is recorded. With these seismograms they can tell geologist a great amount of information about an earthquake, like the size and the location.
Seismic waves are made up of P waves and S waves. When there is an earthquake seismic waves are sent out and come in a definite order. The P waves arrive first at the seismometer because it is a faster wave going through near surface rocks at the speed of 4 to 7 kilometres a second. The S waves arrive at the seismometer last because it is slowly moving through near surface rocks at the speed or 2 to 5 kilometres a second. They both can pass through solids but only the P wave can pass through fluids like gas and liquid.
They also use triangulation as a way of determining the earthquakes location. There are several ways to find out the location using triangulation. Using the two different kinds of waves the earthquakes give off, lets them figure out the location. Sense one of the waves is always faster than the other, the further the distance the wave travels, putting the wave more ahead. If a certain place feels both of the waves, it can calculate out how far away the earthquake was.
People often ask the question on whether you can predict an earthquake or not but it has never been proven that any earthquake has been predicted. Predicting earthquakes is very difficult because no one knows when the energy stored in the plates will reach the point where is will release enough energy to cause an earthquake. Scientists cannot predict when earthquakes are going to happen because if so many thousands of lives would have been saved.
When an earthquake occurs many people either do not know what to do or are panicking so much that they cannot remember what to do. 3 When you are indoors, duck or drop down onto the floor. Take cover under a sturdy deck, table or any other furniture. Hold onto it and be prepared to move with it. Stay in this position until the ground stops shaking and it is safe to move. Stay clear of windows, fireplaces, woodstoves, and heave items that may fall on you. Stay inside to avoid being injured by falling glass or building parts. If you are in a crowded are, take cover and tell others to do likewise. When outside, get into an opening away from buildings and power lines. When driving a car and an earthquake occurs do not try rushing home! Stop if it is safe but stay inside your car. Stay away from bridges, overpasses and tunnels. Move your car as far out of the normal traffic lanes as possible. Avoid stopping under trees, power lines, light posts and signs. When on mountain or near an unstable slope or cliff be alert for falling rocks and other debris that could be loosened by the earthquake. Also look out for wild animals because they can sense earthquakes and go a little wild! When on a beach move inland or move to higher land.
I have really learned a lot from doing this project on earthquakes. From watching videos of people videotaping earthquakes to discovery videos I have really seen how dangerous earthquakes are. Looking at stats from previous earthquakes over the years has shown me that many innocent people and animals have had their lives taken, has caused great tragedy over the certain areas. I never knew that there were different types of tectonic plates under the Earth’s crust! I thought there was only a crust, the ground we walk on. So this has been an enjoyable project for me. I really like the science around Earthquakes.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Long time no see

Wow, I haven't been on this journal for along time. I have a grad dinner tonight and then we are playing bingo and the prize's are up $2000 worth. CRAZY I hope I win something! Love you all I will try to write up more soon.