Sunday, August 24, 2008

Living with Andrea <3

New news! I'm living with my best friend, Andrea. I'm having so much here! Were in such deep conversations! I love it! Oh, I went swiming with my cell!! :( I was so mad! *sigh* I have to go cause I have work at 12!

Love you all

~*~Méghan K Smith~*~

Saturday, August 23, 2008

The letter that was sad! :(

Hey, gabby! How are you? Well I'm crying really hard cause I was going threw your pictures and realizing how fucking much I miss you and I just started crying as thoe the day I left school. I feel like then, you know! I know now that I may never see you again! I miss you so much! :( I wana go back to when I would wake up at school my first year to last October and get ready so fast so I could spend as much time wit you before school stared! I would like get up at 6 just so I could head over there as soon as we could! I would find you every resess and lunch and after classes and before sports and during sports and after and before supper and I would sit beside yyou at supper and usually I had to fight with Step to sit be side you. I'm crying just as had as I was the day I though I wound never see you again! Like when I left grad I was crying so much! I wana beable to hug you when ever I want. I wana be able to see you every day at least once. But now I don't get to see you even onve every 6 or more mounths. I can't stand it! I HATE IT. I wana go back to the way it used to be! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. But what am I going to do with out you! I wont see you for like a year! IM ALL ALONE HERE! Like who am I supposed to talk to when I need to talk to someone about something I would normaly tell you? WHat if I need someone to lean on or to hug!!! WHO DO I TURN TOO???



Tuesday, August 19, 2008

It's been awhile!

Internet oh how much I missed you! Well I went to New Brunswick to celebrate my birthday. I got to see Jody and I stayed at his cottage for the night. Oh my G-d we got so drunk! ^.^ It was halarious, he couldn't even stand up! His parents got so mad at him. And the funny part was that I was just as drunk and the his parents thought I was perfecly A-ok!! Like I was not showing any signs of being drunk or haveing any alcholo! Ah, I love Jody, he's like my best best friend! *sigh* I went to Boston Pizza for my birthday dinner. And I bought Fire Works! XD They were so cool looking! I had so much fun setting off Fire Works! WellI am getting ready to go out! Oh I also went to the mall and got some new clothes! It was funny shoping with Mitch and Jody ahahha! Well I have to get rady to go out, so love you all!

~*~Méghan K Smith~*~

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Going to New Brunswick!

Work went bye so fast today! I only had to work from 8 - 1:30! I got to hang out with Shayne today it was awasome to chill with someone I really knew for the first time this summer. Oh, just to let you know. Wheremy cottage is I have no internet so I wont be on till the 18th! I know, not cool. But I will write a blog everyday and I will post it as soon as I get internet. Jody is so excited becuase we haven't seen each other sence March break! I really hope I get to see him! So I have to go pack and I will fill you in as soon as I get internet. Love you all!

~*~Méghan K Smith~*~

Woot, visitor at work!

Well I haven't been on here in a little while because I have been getting ready for New Brunswick. Oh, my roomie last year, Ali came to visit me yesturday at work!! Oh, Shayne is coming today and I get to see him at 1:30 and its like 7 now. He's comign to pick me up from work at 1:30!! I'm so excited! My birthday is soon, like in 4 days.... *squeals* I'm excited for that too cause I will be seeing Jody!! Well I have to go get ready for work! Love you all!!

~*~Méghan K Smith~*~

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Olympics! Good Job Kyle! Good luck EricGillis!

Oh, wow Kyle Shewfelt from Calgary, Alta uses this blog! I'm so honered (wrong spelling I know) to be using the same blogging net work as him. I can't believe that he didn't qulaify! :'( His Vault rutine was amazing and so was his floor. He did an outstanding job.
Good luck Eric Gillis! Eric is from my town! Antigonish, N.S. He is doing Track and Feild, the 10,000m. Good Luck to all!!
~*~Méghan K Smith~*~

Friday, August 8, 2008

Shopping last minute.

Well this was a well spent night....NOT! I had nothing to do! I got off work at 4 and went to the mall to tan and pick up this picture I wanted and went home. I tried making plans but everyone was busy! :( So I walked downtown to see if I knew anyone and I ended uup buying a dressish tanktop, a pink tanktop and a Bench sweater. I love Bench sweaters!!! <3<3<3>

~*~Méghan K Smith~*~

I Love I Tunes....

I just bought some songs from I Tunes. XD I am so happy! Oh, I got a package from my friend Blair my friend from Bermuda/B.C. He now lives in B.C. I got two CD's, a teddy bear, a glass mouse ahaah(My nick name is mouse just to let you know). He also sent me a bag of REESE's *droooooooooool* You have no idea how much i love Reese's peanutbutter cups. <3 Well I have to go cause I woke up late for work. Love you all.

~*~ Méghan K Smith ~*~

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Flower Power!

Well I have to say this is the first day were I can actually do a blog with out the power going out on me! I was at work all day counting wire and winding it up. Fun, fun! Now I am calling a friend to see if they want to hangout. Also my cousin Suzanne just got home from Fiji! To bad the group she went with all got sick there. :( Don't drink the water in Fiji unless it's bottled by a reliable sorce. What else happened this week? Oh, my aunt cam to visit! The poor thing is going threw breast cancer treatments. :( I got her a head scarf that has breast cancerish stuff on it! She headed back home this morning. Woot! Only 11 more days till my birthday! I get to see Jody then too. Oh, my friend Shayne is coming to my town from the 18th till around the 24th! Woot! Well I have to go cause I have to get ready to go out! Blog you later!

~*~Méghan K Smith~*~

I have to make this really short.

I have to go to bed. Work tomorrow. Power out for days. Thunder and lighting storms. Love u all

Sunday, August 3, 2008

It's raining, it's pooring, the old man is snoring!

Well, today was a fun day. I woke up around 11 and watched T.V. with Jenna. Oh, by the way the reason I didn't have a blog for yesturday was because I was downtown all night with... Travis, Nico, Danika, Danial, Devin, Andrew. I was threanted by this girl who was saying she was going to kill me! She friging slamed my car door on my leg and it didn't hurt casue I was messed up but man it was hurting this morning! But it's all good now because she forgot all about last night. Kinda like everyone else. We weren't really our selves last night. If you get what I mean!!! Chug-a-lug Chug-a-lug..... Anyway so I started getting in the car to take Jenna to her house so she could get some clean clothes and Devin was there so he came with me. Man we were both like hung over as hell!!! So we droped her off and went back to my house cause I needed to put like normal clothes on! I was still in my pj's. We picked Alicia up and then picked Jenna back up and I droped her back at my house. Then we went to the mall and I bought a octopus. Yes I bought a octopus that can stand up and he has a pirate eye patch on him too. I'll take a picture and post it later. Well, then after we went to my house and went swimming and then went to Alicia's and made KD! *yummy* I love her seven toed kitty. LOLZ Devin found his pussy after his long journey trying to find the perfect one! *inside joke* So after we went to the SAJS and ran in the rain and swam in the puddles and listened to music. So much fun! Then we played the game where you say an animal and you have to make the noise you think it would make in "climax" *I know immature but it's so friging funny*. Oh my G-d, Devin got stuck on the Rhino's noise because we didn't know what noise it makes. We searched it on the cell. Supposedly they make a squealing noise and blasting noise! Weird i know. Well I have to go to bed. Work tomorrow. Wooty! Not!!

~*~Méghan K Smith~*~

Friday, August 1, 2008

Mamma Mia!!!!

Oh my G-d. Mamma Mia was amazing! I was singing to every song! ^.^ Todaay was my day off from work and I hung out with Cory the one who was out west and Alicia. We had so much fun! We drove around and walked the town too! I can't wait till tomorrow after work. Dance party at the house, well we haven't decided if we should or not. *sigh* Andrew and I are going to hangout tomorrow and sunday. I think were going swimming and hanging out and movie.... but not sure. Well I have to go Jenna my friend is down stairs and were going to go chill and then I have to go to bed I have work at 8 to 5. But I have the car!!! Oh, I am so in love with the song "American Boy" by: Estelle featuring Kanye West. Love it!!! Blog you later!

~*~Méghan K Smith~*~