Tuesday, August 19, 2008

It's been awhile!

Internet oh how much I missed you! Well I went to New Brunswick to celebrate my birthday. I got to see Jody and I stayed at his cottage for the night. Oh my G-d we got so drunk! ^.^ It was halarious, he couldn't even stand up! His parents got so mad at him. And the funny part was that I was just as drunk and the his parents thought I was perfecly A-ok!! Like I was not showing any signs of being drunk or haveing any alcholo! Ah, I love Jody, he's like my best best friend! *sigh* I went to Boston Pizza for my birthday dinner. And I bought Fire Works! XD They were so cool looking! I had so much fun setting off Fire Works! WellI am getting ready to go out! Oh I also went to the mall and got some new clothes! It was funny shoping with Mitch and Jody ahahha! Well I have to get rady to go out, so love you all!

~*~Méghan K Smith~*~

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