Thursday, July 31, 2008

Wow, is it safe to walk outside?

I can't believe the amount of perves and pedifiles in this town! There are 12 pedifiles (yes they have been caught before) living in a distance of 3 streets away!! No wonder I never see childern playing outside anymore. *sigh* My tummy hurts! I wonder why? Hmmm... I didn't eat anything I haven't eaten before! I haven't done anything, I haven't done before! Huh! Weird! Love you lil sis, you know who you are.... ahhh what the heck Alicia, I love you! *laughs* She just wrote me this " [u][b]αℓιcια[/b] [/u] says (10:49 PM): hahahahah LOVE YOU TOO MEGHAN! liike a siisster." Cute! Well I got to go, I'm not feeling well.

~*~Méghan K Smith~*~

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Under one condtion, you have to promise me you wont fall in love with me!

I'm watching my favorite movie right now, A Walk To Remember. My favorite line is playing right now. Landon is at Jamie's house and he is waiting for Jamie to come back with her script. He's looking around and he see's a statue of Jesus head and he starts to say "That is one scary-looking..." and he turns around and finishes with "Jesus!" And Jamie's father is like "No, Jamie's father." Well I'm going back to my movie.

~*~Méghan K Smith~*~

Monday, July 28, 2008

Is it possible to think to much?

Wow, today I really couldn't stop thinking about so many things! It was like my thinking was on full speed. I could hardly consentrate on making clearence tags. *sigh* Well I might be going on a little trip to a beach with Cory on the 15th, but I think that's the day I go to New Brunswick! Dam it, I just looked and I leave on the 14th for N.B. Also I don't think my parents would let me go with Cory and his parents becuase they don't know him! Well I'm going to have a short nap and then play some gutair. Blog you later! *hit's herself for stupidly thinking that was funny* I was just like "instead of talk to later I should put blog you later *laughs a little*" Stupid I know!Ok, I'm tired! Leave me alone! *sigh*

~*~Méghan K Smith~*~

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Boofoo was the best fish ever :( RIP Boofoo :(

Well I have alot to say tonight. I would like to start off with my fish dieing. RIP Boofoo. Anyway to a happier thought, I hung out with Alisia, Walter and Andrew at the train bridge. So much fun! Oh my G-d! Such a bad sunburn!!!! You would not believe how red I am! I also saw Travis and Irvin again ahahah Oh my... *sigh* Andrew is leaving tomorrow morning at 5 to go to the shipping yards till Friday to work. But he's back every Friday. LOL, I'm trying to take a picture of me blowing a bubble of gum ahah. Bored? Yup! Got one! I'll post it here! See it's huge : D ahah. Well I have to go to bed I have to work tomorrow at like 12 to 8 ugh. Night!

~*~Méghan K Smith~*~

Saturday, July 26, 2008

I was a goblin under a bridge!

Ok, well I forgot to do a blog yesturday becuase I went to work at 8 to 4 and then went downtown till like 10. I was hanging with Irvin, Travis and Riley. I went to the park to meet up with them but it took me a while to find them. See I did not knwo Riley was going ot be there. Actually I just meet him. We were going to go to the Batman movie but we missed it so were going tonight. Now I have to go becuase I'm going out at 5 and I have to go eat, shower, and what not. Oh, by the way we had alot of fishfood.

~*~Méghan K Smith~*~

Friday, July 25, 2008

Becuase I got hhhiiiggggh, La Da Da......

Wow, Last night started off with a bad start but that didn't last! Oh my G-d, I saw this guy at the pizza place that called my house like in grade 6 or 7 and said I gave him my number, which I didn't and said that I was going out with him. Um, ackward!!! Oh and no I didn't actually go out with him! lol... Now this guy is like 14 or 15 now. He's basicly 3 1/2 years younger than I am! So me and my friend Irvin went about the town looking to woohoo / fishfood. We went to see the Judge and he was out... the biggest fishfood man was out! : OMGAWD. Then I ran into this girl, which I recognized but couldn't place her. Well all be dam she was one of the grade 5'ers that I took care of in grade 7 or 8. Wow, she was all grown up. It brang me joy to see her again! Well then we went to the park and of course I had to turn the water park on *runs and puts hands on the dragons tail* Then I spotted spinners, aka a fishfood man. I got some fishfood and I was all set for my night! Fifteen bucks was so worth it! Still have 3/4 of it left! Yeahboy!!! Man Irvin and I were set for the night, swings are fun as hell! =) Well I have to go because I have work in 40 minutes.

~*~Méghan K Smith~*~

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Hard day at work? Yes!

Yeah, the computers at work are up and running! Which make work alot eaiser! There was onee point were my friend Allan from work was thinking some song and I began to sing it and he got totally freaked out. He said I was reading his mind again! It seems that I think the same things he does. Oh well, not my fault. The only downside of work today is the fact that my back hurts so much. It just randomly started to hurt. It's like major pain and then it feels like it's burning! : ( It sucks. Thank G-d for A535 back patches!! Oh, some bad news. Supposedly one of my new friends from over the summer doesn't want to be my friend anymore. Oh well, that's what you get when your guy friends get girlfriends! Tomorrow I only have to work from 8 to 4. Which makes my weekend a longer weekend sence I have Saturday off! I would like to say thank you to Blair who reads my new blog. Thank you! *sigh* The A535 is doing it's job. At the moment I have no bad back pain at the least. : ) Well I'm going to go because I want to have a quick nap before I go out but I will probably do another blog later on today.

~*~Méghan K Smith~*~

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Try doing an order by hand!

I'm home from work now for about one and a half hours now and I'm tired as hell. Today the weather was still bad. I went to work at quater to 12 and worked till 8. At like 2 the power went on and off becuase a cement truck like 10 minutes away hit a power pole and cut the cords, leaving everyone in either dark or on back up. So at 2:30 ish I went to get my friend Melissa K from the garden center so we can go to lunch. We noticed smoke coming from James street and we were like " Please let that be KFC burning down!" As you can tell we don't like KFC that much. So we went on luch and drove to James street, which by the way is basicly down the highway, and found out KFC was not burnt down or damaged at the least. So we got our food and went back to the parking lot to eat and relax with the 30 minute lunch break we have. Which by the way were an hour long last summer! : ( When we went back into the store we saw people running around handing out pink and white booklets. Now let me not that this is 3 in the afternoon. The friging computers had stopped working! Meaning no looking up items, no searching for items, no ordering stuff, and most of all the cash had to do the slips up by hand! So that left me running around the store looking for items people had brought to the cash and finding out the sku's, descriptions and prices for the items. I did that till closing which was at 8! I'm realling hopeing that the computers are working tomorrow!! *sigh* So tomorrow I work 8 to 5 and I get to leave work around 9:20 becuase I have an appointment. Then I will be going back to work after that. I still haven't finished thoe clearence tags yet because I need the computers to look up sku's, descriptions and prices for all the items. I swear their are millions of them! SO here I sit in my room woundering how tomorrow at work will be. I hope it's a fast day! Well, I'm going to go clean my room and have an early night.

~*~Méghan K Smith~*~

I saw you running with the other childern!

Well I just went downstairs to eat my breckfeast and I picked up the newspaper to see what is going on in the world. When I reconized this little boy, I had seen him in Halifax, Nova Scotia at a tack meet. He had a growth on his face but none on the childern cared, it was if they didn't notice it like it was not there. They were seeing him for who he really was. The article told me that he was undergoing treatment that would soon reduce the growth by 90% by febuary. I am so happy for him, he's a good example of childern with medical problems that don't let that stop them from being a child. He's a good little runner I have to admit and I heard he's athletic too. Well I say good luck Son Pham and see you at the next track meet in Halifax.

~*~Meghan K Smith~*~

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

What to do!

Well, I just got off work almost two hours ago and already I'm bored out of my mind! I have nothing to do tonight becuase the weather is still bad and people don't want to walk into town in the rain. Funny thing just happened! I just sent a text to my bestfriends house phone and he replied and it was so weird because he replied in a voice type message. Anyway tomorrow I work 12 to 8 again, yeah! I have to make a bunch of Clearence tags and put them out. Which by the way is not fun, but it does make the time go by faster!
Good news, my friend Cory is coming home from a wedding out west on the 30th. I can't wait till he gets here. Also my good friend Shayne is coming to my town I think around the 6th of August. He will be going up to New Brunswick at the same time I am and coming back to my town on the 18th of August. Best part is, is that I will be able to see him on my birthday on the 17th of August in New Brunswick. I will also be seeing my number one guy friend Jody. Jody and I went to a private school together in grade 10. We hung out every spare minute we had. He and I don't go to that school anymore. He went back to New Brunswick for school while I swiched schools. So we hardly ever see each other. = ( I miss him so much. Yeah, I can't wait till the end of this mounth becuase I will be able to see people I haven't seen in awhile. Well, I am going to go find food in the mysterieous kitchen. Good luck to me! =P

~*~Méghan K Smith~*~

Getting ready for work!

Well I just got up and already I'm bloging. I had weird dreams that of corse don't make any sence at all, but that's the best part. Once again the weather is looking very down today. Yesturday it rained and it looks like it's going to do the same thing again. Welll I just realized that I made a typo in my last blog! Opps! Now I'm talking to one of my new friends I meet at Canada Day. I was woundering why I haven't seen him all summer. He's been out west sence July. 8th and he's coming back on the 30th. Yeah! I wonder how work will be today! I work in a hardware store that my dad owns. It's called CENTRAL. Oh, by the way the picture on the left there is me working in electrical I think last week. I work either in electrical, plumbing or tools! I prefer not to work in tools thoe! Ok, bad news! Andrea my best friend is moving. :( I don't want her to leave. *sigh* Ok, I go away for school and have been doing so for four years. So I don't know anyone at home. That's what you get when you go to prep school. *lol* My cat just opened my closet door. He's on an adventure. *giggle* Well I have work at 12 till 8 I think I should go get ready! Perhaps!
~*~Méghan Smith~*~

Monday, July 21, 2008

First Blog Ever!

Alrighty then, so here I sit on my bed filling out this blog. I was quite a laught a short bit ago when I was filling out the user information. I filled it all out and saved it and then I notices this box you can click. It says [ ] Click for another question. Well knowing how I knew I had to know what the heck it's talking about I clicked it. And it gave me this question as follows:

The first time you had your shoes taken off - how surprised were you to see that you still had toes?

And my reply was this:

Well the only time were I had taken my shoes off and was surprised to see that my toes were still there was when I was at high! No joke, I had actually droped this huge rock from the fill in grounds on my foot and I was sure I had no toes left. I was freaking out. But I checked it and sure enough I had toes, all ten of them.

Well, I have to go to bed because I have work tomorrow at 12. Love you all!

~*~Méghan K Smith~*~