Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Try doing an order by hand!

I'm home from work now for about one and a half hours now and I'm tired as hell. Today the weather was still bad. I went to work at quater to 12 and worked till 8. At like 2 the power went on and off becuase a cement truck like 10 minutes away hit a power pole and cut the cords, leaving everyone in either dark or on back up. So at 2:30 ish I went to get my friend Melissa K from the garden center so we can go to lunch. We noticed smoke coming from James street and we were like " Please let that be KFC burning down!" As you can tell we don't like KFC that much. So we went on luch and drove to James street, which by the way is basicly down the highway, and found out KFC was not burnt down or damaged at the least. So we got our food and went back to the parking lot to eat and relax with the 30 minute lunch break we have. Which by the way were an hour long last summer! : ( When we went back into the store we saw people running around handing out pink and white booklets. Now let me not that this is 3 in the afternoon. The friging computers had stopped working! Meaning no looking up items, no searching for items, no ordering stuff, and most of all the cash had to do the slips up by hand! So that left me running around the store looking for items people had brought to the cash and finding out the sku's, descriptions and prices for the items. I did that till closing which was at 8! I'm realling hopeing that the computers are working tomorrow!! *sigh* So tomorrow I work 8 to 5 and I get to leave work around 9:20 becuase I have an appointment. Then I will be going back to work after that. I still haven't finished thoe clearence tags yet because I need the computers to look up sku's, descriptions and prices for all the items. I swear their are millions of them! SO here I sit in my room woundering how tomorrow at work will be. I hope it's a fast day! Well, I'm going to go clean my room and have an early night.

~*~Méghan K Smith~*~

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