Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Getting ready for work!

Well I just got up and already I'm bloging. I had weird dreams that of corse don't make any sence at all, but that's the best part. Once again the weather is looking very down today. Yesturday it rained and it looks like it's going to do the same thing again. Welll I just realized that I made a typo in my last blog! Opps! Now I'm talking to one of my new friends I meet at Canada Day. I was woundering why I haven't seen him all summer. He's been out west sence July. 8th and he's coming back on the 30th. Yeah! I wonder how work will be today! I work in a hardware store that my dad owns. It's called CENTRAL. Oh, by the way the picture on the left there is me working in electrical I think last week. I work either in electrical, plumbing or tools! I prefer not to work in tools thoe! Ok, bad news! Andrea my best friend is moving. :( I don't want her to leave. *sigh* Ok, I go away for school and have been doing so for four years. So I don't know anyone at home. That's what you get when you go to prep school. *lol* My cat just opened my closet door. He's on an adventure. *giggle* Well I have work at 12 till 8 I think I should go get ready! Perhaps!
~*~Méghan Smith~*~

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