Monday, July 28, 2008

Is it possible to think to much?

Wow, today I really couldn't stop thinking about so many things! It was like my thinking was on full speed. I could hardly consentrate on making clearence tags. *sigh* Well I might be going on a little trip to a beach with Cory on the 15th, but I think that's the day I go to New Brunswick! Dam it, I just looked and I leave on the 14th for N.B. Also I don't think my parents would let me go with Cory and his parents becuase they don't know him! Well I'm going to have a short nap and then play some gutair. Blog you later! *hit's herself for stupidly thinking that was funny* I was just like "instead of talk to later I should put blog you later *laughs a little*" Stupid I know!Ok, I'm tired! Leave me alone! *sigh*

~*~Méghan K Smith~*~

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