Monday, July 21, 2008

First Blog Ever!

Alrighty then, so here I sit on my bed filling out this blog. I was quite a laught a short bit ago when I was filling out the user information. I filled it all out and saved it and then I notices this box you can click. It says [ ] Click for another question. Well knowing how I knew I had to know what the heck it's talking about I clicked it. And it gave me this question as follows:

The first time you had your shoes taken off - how surprised were you to see that you still had toes?

And my reply was this:

Well the only time were I had taken my shoes off and was surprised to see that my toes were still there was when I was at high! No joke, I had actually droped this huge rock from the fill in grounds on my foot and I was sure I had no toes left. I was freaking out. But I checked it and sure enough I had toes, all ten of them.

Well, I have to go to bed because I have work tomorrow at 12. Love you all!

~*~Méghan K Smith~*~

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well i never had a time where i did not know my toes were there, but there was one time where i was not sure where my mind was, it was also when i was high!, one time i was high and everything around me was green!!, there was a snow bank nearby and naturally it was green (to me of course) so of course i jumped in and started eating it thinking it was green slushy mmmmmm slushy (the whole time i kept wishing it was orange flavored slushy but i was high so i figured green slushy would do) so anyway my german friend thought i had lost my mind and left me there to enjoy the green slushy (snow) all by myself. haha omg it was sooo embarrassing but whatever anyway cool blog meghan, keep it going!!
