Thursday, July 24, 2008

Hard day at work? Yes!

Yeah, the computers at work are up and running! Which make work alot eaiser! There was onee point were my friend Allan from work was thinking some song and I began to sing it and he got totally freaked out. He said I was reading his mind again! It seems that I think the same things he does. Oh well, not my fault. The only downside of work today is the fact that my back hurts so much. It just randomly started to hurt. It's like major pain and then it feels like it's burning! : ( It sucks. Thank G-d for A535 back patches!! Oh, some bad news. Supposedly one of my new friends from over the summer doesn't want to be my friend anymore. Oh well, that's what you get when your guy friends get girlfriends! Tomorrow I only have to work from 8 to 4. Which makes my weekend a longer weekend sence I have Saturday off! I would like to say thank you to Blair who reads my new blog. Thank you! *sigh* The A535 is doing it's job. At the moment I have no bad back pain at the least. : ) Well I'm going to go because I want to have a quick nap before I go out but I will probably do another blog later on today.

~*~Méghan K Smith~*~

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